Hi. We’re MCW Events.

This is our blog.



A Welcome Change

A Welcome Change

As an event planner, attending more meetings wasn’t high on my list. But there are exceptions, and these events were experiences I longed for, somehow intertwined with my work.

Chasing Cheeseburgers

Chasing Cheeseburgers

I recently stumbled upon some graffiti that read, “exactly what you run from, you end up chasing.” It made me stop and think. What am I chasing?

Five Questions


A Welcome Change

A Welcome Change

As an event planner, attending more meetings wasn’t high on my list. But there are exceptions, and these events were experiences I longed for, somehow intertwined with my work.

Planning Tips

Case Study: A New Health & Safety Lens

Case Study: A New Health & Safety Lens

Most corporate travel plans were thrown for a loop as the world came to grips with the COVID pandemic. Given the evolving situation with the ongoing pandemic, Health & Safety became a renewed core element in the planning process.

Case Study: Virtual Improvement

Case Study: Virtual Improvement

Virtual events may seem familiar and routine now but they weren’t always like that. Having an experienced event planning and management team on your side is critical when navigating unfamiliar event territory.



We’re 99.9% sure we can create some magic so let us know what you’re thinking and we can meet for donuts – IRL or virtually.

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    146 North Canal St
    Suite 100
    Seattle, WA 98103

    Phone: 206-792-5481
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